Rodrigo Del Rio Herrera in the News
Rodrigo Del Río: he loves to tell stories and light is his great ally
Many are the differences of light between countries like Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and others located in Europe or United States. Your work, as director of photography, testifies to a very meticulous study of light. How do you deal with those differences?
I confess that I always, wherever I go, analyze the light. I love to travel and every time I get to another city I start to compare the styles of light between one place and another. Sometimes they are very subtle details but, with my experience, I manage to identify them. The position of the sun, the height, modify the color of light. In Mexico the sun rises a lot higher than in New York, and that impresses the shapes and the people with the hardest characteristics. The overhead light, in some countries of Central America gives another temperature to things, moves different feelings.